Generally all the settings in preferences are easy to understand, so in this guide we will only explain further if necessary.
Opening preferences
To view preferences, simply open your avatar menu on the top right and click Preferences.
You can also access some preferences during Blitz Mode (focus session) by clicking the cog icon in the top right of the focus panel.

Open/show Blitzit on wake and login
Hide EST/Done Times on tasks - This will hide the small numerical inputs in tasks and only reveal them on hover.

Blitz Panel Side
If you have more than one monitor, you can change the screen for your Focus Panel.
You can also change the Focus Panel side (choose between left or right).

Blitz Mode (Focus Session) Settings
Here you can either choose to go with a Pomodoro approach or simply countdown based on the EST you give your task.
Pomodoro: If you switch Pomodoro on you can choose a work sprint time and a break time. During your work sprint the timer will countdown based on your settings. Once it hits 0 it will automatically switch to a break with the time you set.
Default Break Length: Add the default break time you would take if you manually switch to a break.

Alert Settings
Timed alerts during a task: Set regular reminders to stay focussed on a live task with a sound and optional animation.
Notification alerts: Choose an alert sound for all notifications which includes Tasks Due, Task/Break time up and Pomodoro work sprint end.

Celebration Settings
Show success screen: Show a motivating success message on completing any task.
Fun gif: Rotate between a range of fun gifs featured on the success screen.
Success sound effect: A satisfying sound effect on completing any task.