How to flow in the day-to-day?
Okay, here I will leave you a little truth. In this article, I link metaphysical concepts with personal development and spirituality. I consider the human being as a physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual being. If you agree with this, you can continue reading. And if not, too. Maybe something resonates with you.
First, let's be clear that there are as many concepts of "flow" as there are people in the world.
For me, flow can be doing things in a certain way; for you, it can be doing the same things in another way, at a different pace, or even different things.
To order the ideas, I give you some basic tips:
Follow your heart
If you want to flow, you have to understand that to do so means attending to what your heart feels, what it wants at a certain moment of the day/week/month, first, and then the mind aligns itself to it, to plan and execute that action. But if you decide to do something that doesn't come from your heart, that you genuinely don't want to do, you will never be able to flow. You will do things mechanically, just because you think you "have" to do them.
The flow state can vary
You will not be able to flow the same way every day. Some days you will be more productive than others will, and some days you will have more energy than others, and that is okay. It is natural that this happens. Over-demanding and pushing yourself to "produce" more will only make you produce less. You have to understand that the path to a goal is not an ascending curve, it is staggered, you go up, you go down a bit, and you go up again, and so on.
Relax and attend your needs of the moment

Productivity always has to go hand in hand with rest. Moreover, I am referring not only to hours of sleep but also to spaces for leisure and entertainment. Relaxing is just as important as producing.
You can make a list of priorities, according to what you are feeling. Ask yourself what you need to do first, what can wait, what can be negotiated for now, and what is not. Reflect, and take your time. It is very important, because otherwise, you will be occupying your time and energy doing things that are not necessary at a certain moment, and those that are your true needs will be left unattended. In addition, you will feel bad about it. You will do the scheduled actions with a lack of motivation and reluctance.
Make a routine

It can be useful to establish a routine for your day-to-day, but you always have to give yourself space to do nothing. Believe me, and although it sounds strange, doing nothing can be very productive, and one of the engines of creativity. The brain activates other areas when one is bored, and perhaps some great idea will come to you, or you will discover something about yourself that you did not know. That can be a wonderful thing. Your routine can always vary and be flexible, according to the energy you have during the day. You can modify it, as you change your tastes, motivations, and ideals, among other things.
Get closer to Universe
To flow is to be in harmony with the Universe. The Universe is the creative and loving energy that is everywhere, and it has a pearl of wisdom connected to your heart. You cannot flow and go against the Universe. You cannot flow and go against yourself. The Universe has its seven basic rules. The Rules of Nature. It seems important to me that you know them, because if you want to flow, truly flow, and not do something else that is being sold in the market, you have to know how to do it. This is only an approximation, but the truth is that learning to flow can take time. However, do not be discouraged, progress is little by little, but safely.
Conflicts can help you too

A person is more productive if they have all their needs satisfied. You do not just need a home, food, clothing, money, etc. In addition, an environment that helps you and accompanies you, that supports you in your steps. Nobody evolves alone in life and having friends or family to count on is pertinent. For example: if you live alone, it will seem to you that you will be more productive. But you can calmly live with four other people in your family, who interrupt you all the time, and be equally or more productive. Sometimes interruptions are good. They can help you to renew your ideas, to consider things in a different way or they can even make you modify your plans for your greatest good.
To flow is to understand that there will be very happy and good moments and not-so-good or conflicting moments. The idea is to flow in both. For that, you need a stable and harmonious internal structure, which is your being, yourself. You cannot control all the external things that will happen to you during the day, but you can arm yourself with internal tools to know how to function in everything that may happen to you. Flow with it. Look at it from a broader perspective; learn to see conflicts as engines of growth as well, not as torture.
Accept changes and stay calm
To flow is to understand that things constantly change, and they do it for a reason. Life is wise and the flow of the energy of the universe is change and evolution. You cannot pretend that there are no changes in your life. Sometimes you believe that a change is negative now, but later you realize that this change was for your long-term greater good and not at that precise moment. So, don't be surprised if suddenly your routine or your goals change, if you realize that you really don't like what you are doing or if you decide that this job is not for you.
Do things calmly, breathing slowly, not in a hurry. That will only cause you anxiety and stress. If you do wrong something, do not feel bad. Just laugh and try again.
The truth is that flow is also learning, like everything in life. Nobody teaches us this, we learn on our own how to live life. It's okay. Just be patient if things don't work out for you the first time. Because being productive also is that sometimes, things work out for you, and sometimes they don't. And it's normal and it's sane. Making mistakes is part of the process. We have to normalize that and so we will be planning productivity schemes that are more realistic, more humane, and more focused on who we really are: not mere production machines, but individuals who go through all kinds of experiences in life, and who from these experiences, sometimes unplanned, we can also reach our goals.
I believe that fundamentally, the organization process of each one must be individualized. Like a tailored suit. In this way each person will feel comfortable in their day-to-day.
How to flow in the day-to-day?
Okay, here I will leave you a little truth. In this article, I link metaphysical concepts with personal development and spirituality. I consider the human being as a physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual being. If you agree with this, you can continue reading. And if not, too. Maybe something resonates with you.
First, let's be clear that there are as many concepts of "flow" as there are people in the world.
For me, flow can be doing things in a certain way; for you, it can be doing the same things in another way, at a different pace, or even different things.
To order the ideas, I give you some basic tips:
Follow your heart
If you want to flow, you have to understand that to do so means attending to what your heart feels, what it wants at a certain moment of the day/week/month, first, and then the mind aligns itself to it, to plan and execute that action. But if you decide to do something that doesn't come from your heart, that you genuinely don't want to do, you will never be able to flow. You will do things mechanically, just because you think you "have" to do them.
The flow state can vary
You will not be able to flow the same way every day. Some days you will be more productive than others will, and some days you will have more energy than others, and that is okay. It is natural that this happens. Over-demanding and pushing yourself to "produce" more will only make you produce less. You have to understand that the path to a goal is not an ascending curve, it is staggered, you go up, you go down a bit, and you go up again, and so on.
Relax and attend your needs of the moment

Productivity always has to go hand in hand with rest. Moreover, I am referring not only to hours of sleep but also to spaces for leisure and entertainment. Relaxing is just as important as producing.
You can make a list of priorities, according to what you are feeling. Ask yourself what you need to do first, what can wait, what can be negotiated for now, and what is not. Reflect, and take your time. It is very important, because otherwise, you will be occupying your time and energy doing things that are not necessary at a certain moment, and those that are your true needs will be left unattended. In addition, you will feel bad about it. You will do the scheduled actions with a lack of motivation and reluctance.
Make a routine

It can be useful to establish a routine for your day-to-day, but you always have to give yourself space to do nothing. Believe me, and although it sounds strange, doing nothing can be very productive, and one of the engines of creativity. The brain activates other areas when one is bored, and perhaps some great idea will come to you, or you will discover something about yourself that you did not know. That can be a wonderful thing. Your routine can always vary and be flexible, according to the energy you have during the day. You can modify it, as you change your tastes, motivations, and ideals, among other things.
Get closer to Universe
To flow is to be in harmony with the Universe. The Universe is the creative and loving energy that is everywhere, and it has a pearl of wisdom connected to your heart. You cannot flow and go against the Universe. You cannot flow and go against yourself. The Universe has its seven basic rules. The Rules of Nature. It seems important to me that you know them, because if you want to flow, truly flow, and not do something else that is being sold in the market, you have to know how to do it. This is only an approximation, but the truth is that learning to flow can take time. However, do not be discouraged, progress is little by little, but safely.
Conflicts can help you too

A person is more productive if they have all their needs satisfied. You do not just need a home, food, clothing, money, etc. In addition, an environment that helps you and accompanies you, that supports you in your steps. Nobody evolves alone in life and having friends or family to count on is pertinent. For example: if you live alone, it will seem to you that you will be more productive. But you can calmly live with four other people in your family, who interrupt you all the time, and be equally or more productive. Sometimes interruptions are good. They can help you to renew your ideas, to consider things in a different way or they can even make you modify your plans for your greatest good.
To flow is to understand that there will be very happy and good moments and not-so-good or conflicting moments. The idea is to flow in both. For that, you need a stable and harmonious internal structure, which is your being, yourself. You cannot control all the external things that will happen to you during the day, but you can arm yourself with internal tools to know how to function in everything that may happen to you. Flow with it. Look at it from a broader perspective; learn to see conflicts as engines of growth as well, not as torture.
Accept changes and stay calm
To flow is to understand that things constantly change, and they do it for a reason. Life is wise and the flow of the energy of the universe is change and evolution. You cannot pretend that there are no changes in your life. Sometimes you believe that a change is negative now, but later you realize that this change was for your long-term greater good and not at that precise moment. So, don't be surprised if suddenly your routine or your goals change, if you realize that you really don't like what you are doing or if you decide that this job is not for you.
Do things calmly, breathing slowly, not in a hurry. That will only cause you anxiety and stress. If you do wrong something, do not feel bad. Just laugh and try again.
The truth is that flow is also learning, like everything in life. Nobody teaches us this, we learn on our own how to live life. It's okay. Just be patient if things don't work out for you the first time. Because being productive also is that sometimes, things work out for you, and sometimes they don't. And it's normal and it's sane. Making mistakes is part of the process. We have to normalize that and so we will be planning productivity schemes that are more realistic, more humane, and more focused on who we really are: not mere production machines, but individuals who go through all kinds of experiences in life, and who from these experiences, sometimes unplanned, we can also reach our goals.
I believe that fundamentally, the organization process of each one must be individualized. Like a tailored suit. In this way each person will feel comfortable in their day-to-day.
How to flow in the day-to-day?
Okay, here I will leave you a little truth. In this article, I link metaphysical concepts with personal development and spirituality. I consider the human being as a physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual being. If you agree with this, you can continue reading. And if not, too. Maybe something resonates with you.
First, let's be clear that there are as many concepts of "flow" as there are people in the world.
For me, flow can be doing things in a certain way; for you, it can be doing the same things in another way, at a different pace, or even different things.
To order the ideas, I give you some basic tips:
Follow your heart
If you want to flow, you have to understand that to do so means attending to what your heart feels, what it wants at a certain moment of the day/week/month, first, and then the mind aligns itself to it, to plan and execute that action. But if you decide to do something that doesn't come from your heart, that you genuinely don't want to do, you will never be able to flow. You will do things mechanically, just because you think you "have" to do them.
The flow state can vary
You will not be able to flow the same way every day. Some days you will be more productive than others will, and some days you will have more energy than others, and that is okay. It is natural that this happens. Over-demanding and pushing yourself to "produce" more will only make you produce less. You have to understand that the path to a goal is not an ascending curve, it is staggered, you go up, you go down a bit, and you go up again, and so on.
Relax and attend your needs of the moment

Productivity always has to go hand in hand with rest. Moreover, I am referring not only to hours of sleep but also to spaces for leisure and entertainment. Relaxing is just as important as producing.
You can make a list of priorities, according to what you are feeling. Ask yourself what you need to do first, what can wait, what can be negotiated for now, and what is not. Reflect, and take your time. It is very important, because otherwise, you will be occupying your time and energy doing things that are not necessary at a certain moment, and those that are your true needs will be left unattended. In addition, you will feel bad about it. You will do the scheduled actions with a lack of motivation and reluctance.
Make a routine

It can be useful to establish a routine for your day-to-day, but you always have to give yourself space to do nothing. Believe me, and although it sounds strange, doing nothing can be very productive, and one of the engines of creativity. The brain activates other areas when one is bored, and perhaps some great idea will come to you, or you will discover something about yourself that you did not know. That can be a wonderful thing. Your routine can always vary and be flexible, according to the energy you have during the day. You can modify it, as you change your tastes, motivations, and ideals, among other things.
Get closer to Universe
To flow is to be in harmony with the Universe. The Universe is the creative and loving energy that is everywhere, and it has a pearl of wisdom connected to your heart. You cannot flow and go against the Universe. You cannot flow and go against yourself. The Universe has its seven basic rules. The Rules of Nature. It seems important to me that you know them, because if you want to flow, truly flow, and not do something else that is being sold in the market, you have to know how to do it. This is only an approximation, but the truth is that learning to flow can take time. However, do not be discouraged, progress is little by little, but safely.
Conflicts can help you too

A person is more productive if they have all their needs satisfied. You do not just need a home, food, clothing, money, etc. In addition, an environment that helps you and accompanies you, that supports you in your steps. Nobody evolves alone in life and having friends or family to count on is pertinent. For example: if you live alone, it will seem to you that you will be more productive. But you can calmly live with four other people in your family, who interrupt you all the time, and be equally or more productive. Sometimes interruptions are good. They can help you to renew your ideas, to consider things in a different way or they can even make you modify your plans for your greatest good.
To flow is to understand that there will be very happy and good moments and not-so-good or conflicting moments. The idea is to flow in both. For that, you need a stable and harmonious internal structure, which is your being, yourself. You cannot control all the external things that will happen to you during the day, but you can arm yourself with internal tools to know how to function in everything that may happen to you. Flow with it. Look at it from a broader perspective; learn to see conflicts as engines of growth as well, not as torture.
Accept changes and stay calm
To flow is to understand that things constantly change, and they do it for a reason. Life is wise and the flow of the energy of the universe is change and evolution. You cannot pretend that there are no changes in your life. Sometimes you believe that a change is negative now, but later you realize that this change was for your long-term greater good and not at that precise moment. So, don't be surprised if suddenly your routine or your goals change, if you realize that you really don't like what you are doing or if you decide that this job is not for you.
Do things calmly, breathing slowly, not in a hurry. That will only cause you anxiety and stress. If you do wrong something, do not feel bad. Just laugh and try again.
The truth is that flow is also learning, like everything in life. Nobody teaches us this, we learn on our own how to live life. It's okay. Just be patient if things don't work out for you the first time. Because being productive also is that sometimes, things work out for you, and sometimes they don't. And it's normal and it's sane. Making mistakes is part of the process. We have to normalize that and so we will be planning productivity schemes that are more realistic, more humane, and more focused on who we really are: not mere production machines, but individuals who go through all kinds of experiences in life, and who from these experiences, sometimes unplanned, we can also reach our goals.
I believe that fundamentally, the organization process of each one must be individualized. Like a tailored suit. In this way each person will feel comfortable in their day-to-day.